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1052 Results

The Prevent Anal Cancer Self-Swab Study (External Link)
This is a prospective, randomized, two-arm clinical study to evaluate compliance with annual home-based vs clinic-based DNA screening of anal canal exfoliated cells among Milwaukee HIV+ and HIV- men who …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Restoring Cognitive Control (ReCon) in Acute Nicotine Withdrawal (External Link)
This study is a Phase 2A, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, two-period crossover study to evaluate the effect of two doses of SXC-2023 on measures of impulsivity and inhibitory control, urge for …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Zonisamide Outpatient Study (External Link)
This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to examine the ability of 5-weeks treatment with zonisamide to reduce symptoms of PTSD and AUD. The study population will consist of 60 …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Electrical Stimulation to Accelerate Wound Healing (External Link)
Electrical stimulation may offer a unique treatment option to heal complicated and recalcitrant wounds, improve flap and graft survival, and even reduce the likelihood of ulceration. Electrical stimulation has been …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Do Biomarkers Predict Response to a Pediatric Chronic Pain Symptom Management Program? (External Link)
AIM 1: We will categorize children ages 7-12 yrs. of age with FGIDs (n=250) as to whether they have/do not have one or more of the following abnormal physiologic changes: …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Post-Discharge Growth and Development of Infants Who Received Targeted Fortification in the NICU (External Link)
The investigators plan to evaluate the effects of a high versus standard protein enteral diet utilizing targeted fortification on neurodevelopmental outcomes, growth, and body composition at 18-24 months in infants …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Stepped-Care Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Youth With ASD and Anxiety (External Link)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects as many as 1 out of 59 individuals, with many higher-functioning youth not diagnosed until school-age or later. This equates to ~102,000 children under the …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Cytokine Persistence as a Marker of Inflammation in the at Risk, Low Socioeconomic Status Pediatric Population (External Link)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common multisystem disorder, affecting up to 10% of the pediatric population. There is scant data about OSA and adenotonsillectomy (AT) outcomes in the very …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Maternal Mental Health in the Hospital Setting (External Link)
Study participants will complete a survey about their general needs and access to resources and a survey to screen for postpartum depression to determine if the participant will be enrolled. …
Pediatric Gastroparesis Registry (External Link)
In the Pediatric Gastroparesis Registry (PGpR), we will collect detailed epidemiological, clinical, psychological, and patient outcome data with the goal of classifying patients with gastroparesis and gastroparesis-like syndromes into pathophysiologically …
Baylor Role: Collaborator

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