Search Clinical Trials

16 Results

Active, Not Recruiting
A Practical Platform for In-Home Remote Monitoring of Cognitive Frailty (External Link)
The investigators are proposing to evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of the Frailty Meter (FM), a cutting-edge video-based solution for remotely assessing frailty. FM determines frailty phenotypes, such as weakness, …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Active, Not Recruiting
An Innovative Platform for Objective Monitoring of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (External Link)
This innovative platform, called IADLSys, will detect the timing and type of IADL for a wide range of daily functions, and will also monitor the user's physical activity and life-space. …
Active, Not Recruiting
Patch vs. No Patch Fetoscopic Meningomyelocele Repair Study (External Link)
Spina bifida can be a devastating neurological congenital anomaly. It results from incomplete closure of the neural tube between 22 and 28 embryological days. Its incidence is approximately 1-2 per …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Active, Not Recruiting
Paraplegia Prevention in Aortic Aneurysm Repair by Thoracoabdominal Staging (External Link)
Chronic aortic aneurysms are permanent and localized dilations of the aorta that remain asymptomatic for long periods of time, but continue to increase in diameter before they eventually rupture. Left …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Active, Not Recruiting
A Study to Compare the Long-term Outcomes After Two Different Anaesthetics (External Link)
There is considerable evidence that most general anaesthetics modulate brain development in animal studies. The impact is greater with longer durations of exposure and in younger animals. There is great …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Active, Not Recruiting
T Cells Expressing HER2-specific Chimeric Antigen Receptors(CAR) for Patients With HER2-Positive CNS Tumors (External Link)
First, to find out if HER2 is expressed in the patient's brain cancer, the investigators will need to obtain the tissue block or tissue specimen that was used to make …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Active, Not Recruiting
The CSF Shunt Entry Site Trial (External Link)
The study is a multi-centered, randomized, controlled trial comparing two commonly used CSF shunt insertion techniques, anterior and posterior entry site. There is conflicting information and opinions in the pediatric …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Active, Not Recruiting
BEnefits of Stroke Treatment Delivered Using a Mobile Stroke Unit (External Link)
There are many ways that use of a MSU might prove valuable in stroke patients, but we will focus on acute ischemic stroke (AIS) and treatment with IV tissue plasminogen …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Active, Not Recruiting
Fetoscopic Meningomyelocele Repair Study (External Link)
Spina bifida can be a devastating neurological congenital anomaly . It results from incomplete closure of the neural tube between 22 and 28 embryological days. Its incidence is approximately 1-2 …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Active, Not Recruiting
Multicenter Evaluation of Memory Remediation After TBI With Donepezil (External Link)
BACKGROUND: Memory deficits are among the most common chronic and functionally important consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Basic and clinical research studies suggest that persistent deficits in verbal memory …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor

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