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2 Results

Effectiveness of Intensive Lipid Modification Medication in Preventing the Progression of Peripheral Arterial Disease (The ELIMIT Study) (External Link)
PAD occurring in the legs is a serious disease that affects about 8 million people in the United States. A person's risk for PAD increases with age but can also …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Diet, Exercise, Niacin, and Fenofibrate to Reduce Heart Disease Risk Factors in Individuals With HIV Lipodystrophy or Dyslipidemia (External Link)
BACKGROUND: HIV lipodystrophy syndrome is associated with both metabolic (e.g., dyslipidemia and insulin resistance) and anthropomorphic (e.g., lipoatrophy and central obesity) abnormalities. These defects are likely to predispose HIV patients …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
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