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7 Results

Prediction of Brain Injury in Premature Infants (External Link)
This is a prospective, single-center, data collection research study for premature ELBW infants at high risk of developing brain injury. This study is being done to evaluate the changes in …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Active, Not Recruiting
Multicenter Evaluation of Memory Remediation After TBI With Donepezil (External Link)
BACKGROUND: Memory deficits are among the most common chronic and functionally important consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Basic and clinical research studies suggest that persistent deficits in verbal memory …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Neural and Behavioral Sequelae of Blast-Related Traumatic Brain Injury (External Link)
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are a common occurrence from roadside blasts of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Like civilian TBI, blast-related TBI can result from mechanical forces in which objects in …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Mission Connect Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Integrated Clinical Protocol (External Link)
Of the more than 1.5 million people who experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year in the United States, as many as 75% sustain a mild TBI (MTBI) which …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Treatment Strategy to Prevent Mood Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury (External Link)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability among young adults. Mood disorders are the most frequent psychiatric complication of TBI, and have a large impact …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Effects of Erythropoietin on Cerebral Vascular Dysfunction and Anemia in Traumatic Brain Injury (External Link)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) causes a spectrum of cerebrovascular dysfunction, ranging from impaired pressure autoregulation to severe global ischemia (inadequate blood flow). Pressure autoregulation is the ability of an organ …
Unknown Status
Study of Neurobehavioral Outcome in Children or Adolescents With Closed Head Injuries (External Link)
PROTOCOL OUTLINE: This is a multicenter study. Patients are assigned to one of two study groups based on when the closed head injury (CHI) occurred. Study I (CHI that occurred …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
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