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3 Results

Traction vs. No Traction in Colonic ESD (External Link)
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is the mainstay for the treatment of complex colorectal polyps particularly those with a higher risk of superficial submucosal invasion. However, colonic ESD is technically difficult …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Improving Comprehensive Care of Cancer Patients (External Link)
Design Overview. This is a randomized controlled trial of a consecutive sample of 300 medically underserved breast, GI, and hematological cancer patients with comorbidities recruited from Harris Health Ben Taub …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Accuracy, Yield and Clinical Impact of a Low-Cost HRME in the Early Diagnosis of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (External Link)
Primary outcomes: - the diagnostic yield (defined as the proportion of mucosal biopsy samples with neoplasia) of HRME with directed biopsy - compared to standard white-light endoscopy with 4-quadrant random …
Baylor Role: Collaborator