Search Clinical Trials

23 Results

Multisite Controlled Trial of Cocaine Vaccine (External Link)
This 18-week, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial among 300 cocaine dependent patients is designed to test the efficacy of a newly developed active vaccine against cocaine (TA-CD). TA-CD vaccine consists of …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Pharmacogenetics of Doxazosin for Cocaine Dependence (External Link)
The NE system, especially the alpha 1-adrenergic receptor, may play an important role in cocaine addiction in humans. The results of this study will provide medical safety data on the …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
The Effects of Doxazosin on the Cardiovascular and Subjective Effects of Cocaine (External Link)
Primary Objective: The primary objective is to determine the safety of treatment with doxazosin in cocaine-dependent volunteers by examining hemodynamic and subjective effects of administration of ascending doses of cocaine …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
The Efficacy of Doxazosin for Cocaine Users (External Link)
The NE system, especially the alpha 1-adrenergic receptor, may play an important role in cocaine addiction in humans. The results of this study will provide medical safety data on the …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Pain and Anxiety Management With Oral Narcotic for Pediatric Suture Repair (External Link)
A prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial in a tertiary care pediatric emergency department with an annual census of 80,000 visits per year. Patients will be randomized by a randomization …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Rivastigmine and Huperzine A as Treatments for Cocaine Dependence (External Link)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the interactions between cocaine and oral rivastigmine and between cocaine and oral huperzine A (HupA). The following Specific Aims are proposed: 1. …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Postoperative Effects of Intranasal Fentanyl, IV and IM Morphine in Children Undergoing Myringotomy (External Link)
Preoperative anxiety will be assessed by the modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (mYPAS) at two points - (1) prior to separating the patient from the caretaker and bringing the patient …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Naltrexone and Adrenergic Agents to Reduce Heroin Use in Heroin Addicts (External Link)
Heroin addiction is a serious health problem with no available medical treatment for preventing relapse. Naltrexone is a medication that is currently used to treat substance addiction. It acts by …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Phase 1 Intrathecal Topotecan for Neoplastic Meningitis (External Link)
This is a multi-center, non-randomized pharmacokinetically-guided optimal dosing study of intraventricular topotecan in children with neoplastic meningitis. Topotecan will be administered daily for five consecutive days utilizing the schema shown …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Dexmedetomidine in Pediatric Tonsillectomy (External Link)
Dexmedetomidine, an alpha 2 agonist provides some analgesia without respiratory depression. Children undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy occasionally have episodes of respiratory obstruction in the recovery room following administration of opioids. …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor

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