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17 Results

L-Citrulline Dose Finding Safety Study in MELAS (External Link)
The human body is made of many cells and each cell contains many mitochondria. Mitochondria are called the powerhouses of the cell, because they produce the energy needed for a …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Glycine "Deficiency" and the Kinetics of Acylglycine in Morbid Obesity (External Link)
This study aims to evaluate the effects of oral glycine supplementation on plasma glycine concentration, intracellular glutathione (GSH) concentration, plasma acylglycine concentration, urine acylglycine concentration, and insulin resistance in subjects …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Li-Fraumeni & TP53 (LiFT UP): Understanding and Progress (External Link)
This research study looks to enroll as many people with LFS or TP53 gene variants as possible in order to: - Better estimate cancer risks in individuals with TP53 variants …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Causal Mechanisms in Adolescent Arterial Stiffness (External Link)
Aortic stiffness measured in adolescence or adulthood determines current hypertension, predicts future incidence of hypertension, and future atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) events. International hypertension guidelines list severe aortic stiffness as …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Clinical and Basic Investigations Into Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (External Link)
The investigators are conducting a natural history study of patients with congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG). The study will look into the progression of the disease amongst the participants and …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Investigation of the Genetics of Hematologic Diseases (External Link)
Participants will be individuals (proband) receiving therapy or expert consultation regarding a non-malignant hematologic disorder. We propose to use genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomic analysis coupled with family linkage studies …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Strawberry Candy Twists as an Alternative Screen for Gestational Diabetes: A Prospective Trial (External Link)
The aim now is to perform a large, prospective trial to test Twizzlers® as a cost effective glucola alternative in a gravid population to determine its sensitivity, specificity, PPV (positive …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor

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