Generic term for diseases caused by an abnormal metabolic process. It can be congenital due to inherited enzyme abnormality (METABOLISM, INBORN ERRORS) or acquired due to disease of an endocrine organ or failure of a metabolically important organ such as the liver. (Stedman, 26th ed)

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Precision Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
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Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
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Section of General Internal Medicine Series
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
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On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 45 min
Activity Available On Demand
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On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
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On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit No credit is available for this activity
On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit No credit is available for this activity
On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 30 min
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 0.50 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available