A subdiscipline of human genetics which entails the reliable prediction of certain human disorders as a function of the lineage and/or genetic makeup of an individual or of any two parents or potential parents.

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On Demand
Precision Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit No credit is available for this activity
On Demand
Precision Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit No credit is available for this activity
On Demand
Precision Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
Bioethics Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit No credit is available for this activity
On Demand
Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
Clinical Genetics Conference
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit No credit is available for this activity
On Demand
Clinical Genetics Conference
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit No credit is available for this activity
On Demand
Clinical Genetics Conference
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit No credit is available for this activity
On Demand
BCM Ethics, Professionalism, and Policy Program (EP3)
Activity duration: 30 min
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 0.50 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available