The integration of epidemiologic, sociological, economic, and other analytic sciences in the study of health services. Health services research is usually concerned with relationships between need, demand, supply, use, and outcome of health services. The aim of the research is evaluation, particularly in terms of structure, process, output, and outcome. (From Last, Dictionary of Epidemiology, 2d ed)

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Baylor Health Equity Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
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Credit 0.75 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
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Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
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On Demand
Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity Date Range: 5/12/21
Activity Available On Demand
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On Demand
Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
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On Demand
Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
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On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
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On Demand
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
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Endocrinology Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 0.75 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
International Tropical Medicine Case Conference
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
On Demand
International Tropical Medicine Case Conference
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available