A status with BODY WEIGHT that is above certain standard of acceptable or desirable weight. In the scale of BODY MASS INDEX, overweight is defined as having a BMI of 25.0-29.9 kg/m2. Overweight may or may not be due to increases in body fat (ADIPOSE TISSUE), hence overweight does not equal "over fat".

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Obstetrics & Gynecology Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
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Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
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Endocrinology Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
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Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available
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Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Grand Rounds
Activity duration: 1 hr
Activity Available On Demand
Credit 1.00 Continuing Medical Education Credits Available