Screening for Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Hypercalcemia

These educational modules aim to assist clinicians in identifying and screening for primary aldosteronism as part of this Precision Medicine quality improvement initiative by Baylor College of Medicine. Primary hyperparathyroidism has been selected for this initiative as recent evidence demonstrates it is the most common cause of outpatient hypercalcemia, underdiagnosis occurs across broad practice settings, and risk of fragility fractures, kidney stones, decline in kidney function, and neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Point-of-Care Activity

An activity in which a physician engages in self-directed, online learning on topics relevant to their clinical practice from a database whose content has been vetted by an accredited CME provider. Complementing the educational modules above are select point-of-care resources to facilitate clinician decision-making and screening and/or referral and/or further workup and management of patients with primary aldosteronism.

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