MOC Part 4 - QI Activity: Screening for Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Full Title: Improving Primary Care Clinician Screening for Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Patients with Hypercalcemia
Overview | Program Info | Register | Begin
We are excited to introduce the second high-priority topic in the series of Precision Medicine initiatives at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM). This initiative is entitled Improving Primary Care Clinician Screening for Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Patients with Hypercalcemia.
All primary care clinicians at Baylor Medicine may participate in the College's effort to improve the evaluation of patients with hypercalcemia.
To recognize the work that you will be doing, participation in the initiative also provides you with an opportunity to receive Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Part 4 – Improvement in Medical Practice credit/points from your respective Board(s)/certifying body(ies) for your participation in this QI activity. Credit is available for eligible physician and physician assistant participants.
Benefits of Participating in the MOC Part 4 Component
Not only will participating in the activity meet your certifying Board requirements, but your participation may also be suitable for listing in your curriculum vitae, education portfolio, and submissions for College awards (e.g., Faculty Awards for Excellence in Patient Care, Fulbright & Jaworski Awards) in your preparations for promotion.
MOC Part 4 - QI Activity
Improving Primary Care Clinician Screening for Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Patients with Hypercalcemia
Activity Background
The prevalence of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) in the general population has varied with the onset of automated clinical chemistry measurements with a recent estimate of 0.84 - 0.86%. However, in the outpatient setting, PHPT may be responsible for chronic hypercalcemia in up to 43% of patients and can be associated with a variety of significant comorbidities over the patient's lifetime. However, across Baylor Medicine a patient care improvement opportunity has been noted, as in 2024 only approximately 7% of patients are screened for PHPT.
To assist clinicians in addressing this care gap, beginning in 2025, a non-interruptive Best Practice Advisory (BPA) will be available in the electronic health record (EHR) to identify patients meeting criteria for PHPT screening. The BPA is accompanied by an optional SmartSet with suggested screening orders for 4 blood tests and POC CME activity resources (which include a patient care algorithm, quick reference guide, and an optional patient education handout). Suggested indications for referral to endocrinology or surgery are provided once results come back.
The activity goal over a 6-month period is to double the PHPT screening rate of patients with hypercalcemia across Baylor Medicine General Internal Medicine (GIM) and Family and Community Medicine (FCM) clinics in aggregate. Participating clinicians will be able to utilize a clinician dashboard, providing access to screening status across Baylor Medicine and across individual GIM and FCM clinics. Participants will also have access to their own individual screening experiences for review, if they wish, recognizing that it is not specifically tracked. The information may provide important insights regarding any patients who meet criteria for screening, but are not being screened for whatever appropriate clinical reason.
What to Expect
Many of the MOC Part 4 QI Activity-related steps have been completed for you to simplify the process of obtaining credit. The steps below are designed to assist you in completing the remaining components required for credit consideration:
1. Register: Sign up to request participation in the activity. Enrolled participants will be contacted with instructions regarding next steps. Deadline (GIM): Wed, Jan 22, 2025
2. Meetings: Attend three 45-minute project meetings via Zoom (at launch, at the midpoint, and at conclusion) where you will be assisted in completing the MOC Part 4 requirements.
3. Time Commitment/Patient Care: Manage an estimated 0 - 5 patients with hypercalcemia over the 6-month project timeline, using the BPA for PHPT screening (optional, as you judge to be clinically appropriate).
4. Documentation: Complete a project worksheet (assistance available at each of the 3 one-hour meetings) and submit the worksheet at the end of the activity. (A QI coach will be available between and during the project meetings to assist if needed.)
5. Request Credit: Submit an attestation form at the conclusion of the activity to request credit.
A summary of the activity is available in this video. (Correction: Please note that the project length is 6 months, instead of 3 - 4 months as noted in the video.)
For more information, see Program Info.
This activity is open to all primary care clinicians at Baylor Medicine.
There is no cost to participate in this activity. However, any applicable fees or relevant member dues required by the participant’s certifying body(ies) must be current for an eligible physician/PA participant to receive credit.
Continuing Certification Credits
Successful completion of this activity enables the participant to earn and/or satisfy MOC Part 4/Improvement in Medical Practice (IMP) requirements, as described below. Certification requirements and noted credit information are subject to change. If relevant, refer to your certifying body's respective website for any updated information.
American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) - 30 Practice Assessment Points
Although the ABIM does not have MOC Part 4/IMP requirements, it recognizes and rewards activities in this area.
American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) - One Improvement in Medical Practice Module
This activity satisfies ABFM MOC Part 4/IMP requirements for a three-year period. Practice Improvement credit is also available to residents who successfully complete the activity.
Note: A physician who is board certified by more than one ABMS Member Board has an opportunity to earn credit/points from each of their boards for their engagement in this activity, provided that the board is participating in the ABMS Portfolio Program. A list of participating ABMS Member Boards, along with credit information and requirements per board, is available in Tables 1 and 2.
Physician Assistants
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) - 30 Category 1 PI-CME Credits
This activity partially satisfies NCCPA MOC Part 4/IMP requirements for a two-year CME logging cycle. A total of 100 credits, including at least 50 Category 1 CME credits, is required per cycle. Note: The NCCPA doubles the first 20 PI-CME credits earned per cycle.
Thank you for your interest in this QI activity. If there are any questions, please contact: BCM MOC Program

More opportunities. Less paperwork. Improved patient care.
This QI Activity is organized through the Maintenance of Certification Program at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM MOC Program).
Baylor College of Medicine is an approved and recognized Program Sponsor of the American Board of Medical Specialties Portfolio Program™ (ABMS Portfolio Program). This achievement was coordinated through the Center for Collaborative and Interactive Technologies (CCIT), in partnership with the Division of Continuing Professional Development. Program Sponsor responsibilities are conducted through the BCM MOC Program, which is operated under CCIT.
The BCM MOC Program serves to assist eligible physicians and physician assistants with earning MOC Part 4 - Improvements in Medical Practice credit/points and NCCPA Category 1 Performance Improvement CME (PI-CME) credit, respectively, for their engagement in qualified QI activities.