For Providers

Nicotine Use Disorder

Alcohol Use Disorder

Opioid & Other Substance Use Disorder

  • Elimination of the X Waiver
    Effective immediately, all clinicians with valid DEA registration to prescribe Schedule III medications can now use buprenorphine to treat OUD without patient panel size limits and in person or via telehealth. A one-time, 8-hour training on OUD and other SUD prevention and treatment for all DEA registrants is required by June 21, 2023.
  • Quick Start Guide
    Includes protocols and forms to facilitate rapid incorporation of buprenorphine OBOT into primary care practices.
  • Substance Use Clinician Warmline
    The HRSA-supported Substance Use Warmline provides clinician-to-clinician consultation (via phone or online), assisting primary care clinicians and health center staff in addressing the issues related to treating SUD, chronic pain, and behavioral health.
  • Provider Clinical Support Services (PCSS)
    This SAMHSA-sponsored service provides a comprehensive set of resources, trainings, and tools on opioid treatment, including pain management. PCSS also provides access to coaching and mentoring services and offers buprenorphine waiver training for clinicians (physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants).
  • SAMHSA TIP 63: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
    A comprehensive review with practical information, tools, and resources on screening, assessment of appropriate level of care, MOUD with dosing guidelines, behavioral health therapy, and peer supports.
  • Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Resource
    Order up to 108 boxes (two doses per box) of naloxone per month, conveniently shipped to your practice for FREE through this UT Health San Antonio School of Nursing sponsored website. Access free opioid overdose and naloxone distribution trainings and additional resources.
  • CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
    Resources and materials for health professionals prescribing opioid pain medication for patients 18 and older in primary care settings.

Implementing Practice Change

Implementation modules


  • Tobacco Cessation Tools & Resources
    This is an AAFP collection of toolkits, coding and payment information, and patient education materials to support patient care strategies for decreasing tobacco and nicotine use.
  • SAMHSA Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit
    This toolkit offers strategies to health care providers, communities, and local government officials for developing practices and policies to help prevent and manage opioid-related overdoses and deaths.
  • Practical Tools for Prescribing and Promoting Buprenorphine in Primary Care Settings
    This is the latest SAMHSA publication to provide an all-in-one toolkit for treating patients with opioid use disorder in the primary care practice.
  • SBIRT & Medicare booklet
    This booklet gives the following information about Medicare and Medicaid coverage of SBIRT services:
    • Eligible providers
    • Covered SBIRT services
    • Documenting SBIRT services
    • Billing SBIRT services
    • Dually eligible Medicare-Medicaid beneficiaries
    • Resources
  • UCSF SBIRT app
    Free application for incorporating SBIRT into clinical practice.
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