Brining Alcohol and Other Drug Research to Primary Care

Alcohol consumption, drug overdose, and youth vaping rates have been surging since before the pandemic began. Primary care practices need efficient and evidence-based tools to address the increased risk of substance-related health problems in their patients.

The Department of Family and Community Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and Behavioral Health Solutions of South Texas invite you to participate in Bringing Alcohol and Other Drug Research to Primary Care, an online training aimed at disseminating the latest research on alcohol, nicotine, and opioid use prevention and treatment strategies for primary care providers.

This website features a 6-module, CME/CEU-approved, interactive course. You will also find alcohol, nicotine and opioid use disorder resources for healthcare providers and patients.

Post-training, you may opt to receive updates tailored to your practice with our Academic Detailers through 2 asynchronous and 2 brief synchronous contacts over the next 6 months.

Contact our team, based in Houston and the Rio Grande Valley.

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