New York CME Requirements
You will find a comprehensive selection of CME resources designed to meet the requirements for licensure, certification, and professional growth.
CME Requirements
The New York State Education Department Office of the Professions does not require CME for physicians.
New York Topics Requirements
State-specific requirements for New York physicians include:
3 credits in Prescribing Controlled Substances (pain management, palliative care and addiction).
Must cumulatively cover the following 8 topics:
NYS and federal requirements for prescribing controlled substances;
Pain management;
Appropriate prescribing;
Managing acute pain;
Palliative medicine;
Prevention, screening, and signs of addiction;
Responses to abuse and addiction;
End of life care.
2 credits in Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (NYS Education Dept dictates this law and maintains list of approved providers) (one-time requirement).
Credits (unspecified) in Infection Control and Barrier Precautions (required every 4 years; NYS Dept of Health maintains list of approved providers; providers must use NYS Dept of Health syllabus for the training).
Find qualifying credits for your specialty:
*As state requirements may change over time, refer to your medical board prior to your license renewal date to verify updated requirements.
Opioid and Pain Management CME Credit
3 credits in Prescribing Controlled Substances.
Fulfill your Opioid and Pain Management requirements with Baylor College of Medicine Clinician Resources.
Opioid and Pain Management
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your licensing and credentialing requirements.