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Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide accredited continuing education (CE) for physicians. As an accredited CE provider, BCM 1) must adhere to the ACCME Accreditation Criteria, Standards, and policies and 2) is authorized by the American Medical Association (AMA) to designate CE activities for credit that meet all the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award (PRA) core and format-specific requirements and award AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ to physicians (MDs, DOs, and those with equivalent medical degrees from another country).

Baylor College of Medicine is currently awarded ACCME's highest level of accreditation, Accreditation with Commendation, and has received this recognition each accreditation cycle since the ACCME made the commendation designation available.

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Available Credits

AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ represents that the physician has participated in an educational activity, and completed all requirements for such an activity, that is expected to “serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and relationships that a physician uses to provide services for patients, the public or the profession” as stated in the AMA’s definition of CME.

Texas Medical Board recognized AMA credit that meets the Medical Ethics and/or Professional Responsibility requirement awards topics that relate to medical ethical issues and to the professional responsibilities of physicians. Sessions approved for ethics credit provide an opportunity for participants to learn how to identify, analyze, and manage ethical challenges that may be encountered in their practice. Eligible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • social determinants of health
  • racial bias
  • gender bias
  • child abuse
  • domestic abuse
  • human sex trafficking
  • informed consent
  • professional conduct
  • patient-physician communication
  • end-of-life communication

Texas Medical Board recognized AMA credit that meets the Pain Management and the Prescription of Opioids requirement awards topics that relate or focus on inpatient and outpatient treatment of patients with substance use disorders and those requiring pain management because of disease or trauma. Eligible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • the efficacy and safety of medications for substance use disorders and acute and chronic pain
  • management of acute versus chronic pain
  • monitoring of pain management medications in the primary care or inpatient setting
  • protocols for the safe and effective management of opioids and other controlled substances
  • strategies to improve outcomes of pain management.

MOC Part II credit may be earned by physicians for activities that meet the continuing education requirements that are set by the participating certifying board(s). Requirements vary per certifying board, but in general, activities eligible to award MOC Part II cover topics that improve medical knowledge, practice assessment, patient safety, self-assessment, lifelong learning, or improvement in medical practice. To fulfill the MOC Part II requirement, a content review process is included in the planning stage of the course development. Typically, the requirements for learners include an assessment of knowledge with feedback. The current participating certifying boards are:

Social work credit is awarded to social workers who have participated in and completed all requirements that meet the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners for that activity. Activities eligible to award social work credit are expected to further develop existing skills, teach new topics, and complete necessary requirements for the state’s licensing board. Topics may cover but are not limited to ethics, domestic violence, suicide prevention, addiction, motivational interviewing, family educational rights and privacy act (FERPA), and cultural competence.

Baylor College of Medicine is an approved continuing education provider for Social Workers through the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners.

For other health professionals, a certificate acknowledging that the learner has attended or participated in an educational activity.

MOC Part IV credits may be earned by physician and physician assistants (PA) from participating ABMS Member Boards or NCCPA Category 1 PI-CME credit from the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). Physician and physician assistants will be required to demonstrate competence in systematic measurement and improvement in patient care. MOC Part IV will be in collaborations only with the Institute in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (I-QIPS)

Credits not awarded at this time

  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Physician Assistant
  • Dental

DCPD can refer and collaborate with other providers for the respective credits you are seeking. Note that additional providers may require their own financial agreement and fees.

What if I would like to include Human Trafficking credit in my activity?

For Texas Medical Board recognized AMA credit that meets the Human Trafficking requirement, the activity must be approved by Texas Health and Human Services (HHSC). The DCPD is unable to submit the request to HHSC on your behalf, but is able to direct you to the Human Trafficking for Health Care Practitioners Training Application and additional resources. Additional information can be found on the Texas HHSC Health Care Practitioner Human Trafficking Training Website.

Types of Educational Credit


Additional Information

For additional questions, please contact the Division of Continuing Professional Development.

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