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3 Results

Nitric Oxide During CPB to Reduce AKI in Neonates (External Link)
Screening: All patients undergoing either elective or emergency cardiac surgery will be screened against the eligibility criteria. Research Sample Collection: Blood and urine will be collected for the first 48 …
Effectiveness of Cotton vs. Waterproof Cast Padding (External Link)
This study aims to: 1) investigate the effectiveness of waterproof spica cast using Delta-Dry® Pantaloon and cast padding (BSN medical, USA) versus standard gortex pantaloon with cotton cast padding in …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Probiotics in Girls With Spina Bifida (External Link)
In children with spina bifida and neurogenic bladder dysfunction, the need for intermittent bladder catheterization increases the risk of bacteriuria. In many patients, this leads to a clinically significant urinary …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
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