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67 Results

Vancomycin vs. Vancomycin Plus Gentamycin in Treatment of MRSA Infection (External Link)
Treatment of bacteremic infection (infection associated with positive blood cultures) due to Staphylococcus aureus has become increasingly problematic as a result of the increasing prevalence of strains that are resistant …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Phase 1 Intrathecal Topotecan for Neoplastic Meningitis (External Link)
This is a multi-center, non-randomized pharmacokinetically-guided optimal dosing study of intraventricular topotecan in children with neoplastic meningitis. Topotecan will be administered daily for five consecutive days utilizing the schema shown …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Dexmedetomidine in Pediatric Tonsillectomy (External Link)
Dexmedetomidine, an alpha 2 agonist provides some analgesia without respiratory depression. Children undergoing tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy occasionally have episodes of respiratory obstruction in the recovery room following administration of opioids. …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Response of Clostridium Difficile Infection to Metronidazole Therapy (External Link)
Clostridium difficile is a major cause of nosocomial infection. When this organism proliferates in the colon, usually as a result of prior antibiotic therapy in a hospitalized or otherwise debilitated …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Pharmacogenetics of Disulfiram for Cocaine (External Link)
Dopamine, a type of neurotransmitter, is the brain's "feel good" chemical. The amount of dopamine in the body may be an important factor in how cocaine addicts respond to treatment. …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Effectiveness of Intensive Lipid Modification Medication in Preventing the Progression of Peripheral Arterial Disease (The ELIMIT Study) (External Link)
PAD occurring in the legs is a serious disease that affects about 8 million people in the United States. A person's risk for PAD increases with age but can also …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Diet, Exercise, Niacin, and Fenofibrate to Reduce Heart Disease Risk Factors in Individuals With HIV Lipodystrophy or Dyslipidemia (External Link)
BACKGROUND: HIV lipodystrophy syndrome is associated with both metabolic (e.g., dyslipidemia and insulin resistance) and anthropomorphic (e.g., lipoatrophy and central obesity) abnormalities. These defects are likely to predispose HIV patients …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Efficacy Study of Antiseptic Preoperative Scrubs in Prevention of Postoperative Infections (External Link)
This is a prospective, randomized, multicenter clinical trial. All adult patients, who are scheduled for a clean-contaminated surgical procedure of the alimentary, respiratory, reproductive or urinary tract will be asked …
Baylor Role: Lead Sponsor
Phase II Study of Aerosolized Liposomal 9-Nitro-20 (S)- Camptothecin (L9NC) (External Link)
RATIONALE: Camptothecin (CPT) is a plant alkaloid isolated from Camptotheca acuminata in 1966. As a topoisomerase I inhibitor, it has powerful anticancer properties and has been used clinically in the …
Baylor Role: Collaborator
Comparison of Sirolimus and Azathioprine in Lung Transplantation (External Link)
This multicenter prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial compared the open label use of sirolimus with that of azathioprine in a tacrolimus-based immunosuppression regimen. Eligible patients were identified during a 90-day …
Baylor Role: Collaborator

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